Thursday, August 26, 2004
What's the point? what's the point when everything will enventually come to an end? Those were the highlight of the conversation on the 27 of July. The conversation which marks the end. The very day before that I just got back to Australia. One day before I felt like I was at the top of the world, not knowing i'll feel like a thousand roses on top of the Everest. Dead cold, frozen dead. Right after a lovely Thai dinner with El, on the way out i received text. It was from her. It read, "(my name)..." and the next text which came read "whats the point of living when everthing comes to an end". I grew tired. I wanted to end it. I did and I still do, I just do not know how to. Why? ...what I don't forget, I regret.
Friday, August 20, 2004
I hate this. I feel pressured. I do not know why. It seems like depression is slowly creeping in again and yet, there is absolutely no particular, well obvious reason for me to feel this way. No way it could be PMS. Maybe I'm overwhelmed by the amount of work, I dunno. Maybe it's again about the past creeping in and haunting me again. It's hard to let go, even I really want to. I need to let go and I do try, yet at times like this it just pops by, knock on the door and says hello! Fuck you! you bitch. You screwed my life you miserable bitch. Go have your 'life' but lets not forget, without me coming by into your life, you wouldn't have today. You wouldn't have your so called 'life'! Lets not forget who sent you to the Hospital after you OD on panadols bitch. Lets not forget who encouraged you to let go and see the world in a different perspective rather than your screwed up one. Lets not forget who was there when you were depressed and on the verge of ending your life. Lets not forget what you've taken from me and left me with. You took away my objective way of logical thinking and left me with this gunk called emotions. Fuck you! you ungrateful bitch!!!!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Liberating Pint
Best design tute i've ever had. In 2 and a half years of study, what I learn just moments ago was like I must say tops everything I learnt in 2 and a half years. The very basic of planning and design, and manipulation of them. Both pragmatic and aesthetics.
Butter paper (cheap trace) = $1
Pint of beer = $2.50
An informal design tute with tutors in the pub = priceless!
The Unknown will be extremely busy, workload's a killer. Might blog less.. blogging and archi doesn't go too well now do they?
Butter paper (cheap trace) = $1
Pint of beer = $2.50
An informal design tute with tutors in the pub = priceless!
The Unknown will be extremely busy, workload's a killer. Might blog less.. blogging and archi doesn't go too well now do they?
Friday, August 13, 2004
The Unknown's Guide To Tram Jumping.
Very comprehensive guide. Since bloody victoria will not issue concession cards to international students (entitles a person to almost a 50% reduction in fare), it's timely to take some self actions yea?
Here's how to jump and almost not get a ticket.
But a ticket; not from the tram but from elsewhere like say 7-11. Get a 2 hour or even a 10 x 2 hour. Keep it save in your wallet or purse. So, lets say you do jump and the insepctors do come on, just validate it.
Sit the validating machines and exits. The reasons are pretty obvious.
Sit on the let side of the tram, next to the window and facing the direction of travel. This give you the oppourtunity to spot the tram inspectors from a distance and hence gives you more time to validate your ticket or get off the tram if you do not have one.
To minimize the chances of being asked for a ticket when exiting the tram as the inspectors come on board, fake a conversation on your mobile. Look at you watch. Give them the impression that you are late.
The more crowded the tram, the less chances of inspectors coming on board.
If there are 2 trams stopping at a tram stop together, get on the one behind. Logic has it that the inspectors will most probably get on the one in front.
If else fails, try begging, crying, whatever suits you best. Put on your best show and pray hard you won't get fined.
If you do get fine. Pay the fine and jump a trip everyday for the next one month. You'll be reimbursed of the fine you paid.
DISCLAIMER: Fare evasion is stealing and illegal. This article is for entertainment purposes only. Therefore the author will not be responsible for the any consequences from the use of this article. The author does not condone fare evasion. Buy a ticket. The right ticket.
Here's how to jump and almost not get a ticket.
But a ticket; not from the tram but from elsewhere like say 7-11. Get a 2 hour or even a 10 x 2 hour. Keep it save in your wallet or purse. So, lets say you do jump and the insepctors do come on, just validate it.
Sit the validating machines and exits. The reasons are pretty obvious.
Sit on the let side of the tram, next to the window and facing the direction of travel. This give you the oppourtunity to spot the tram inspectors from a distance and hence gives you more time to validate your ticket or get off the tram if you do not have one.
To minimize the chances of being asked for a ticket when exiting the tram as the inspectors come on board, fake a conversation on your mobile. Look at you watch. Give them the impression that you are late.
The more crowded the tram, the less chances of inspectors coming on board.
If there are 2 trams stopping at a tram stop together, get on the one behind. Logic has it that the inspectors will most probably get on the one in front.
If else fails, try begging, crying, whatever suits you best. Put on your best show and pray hard you won't get fined.
If you do get fine. Pay the fine and jump a trip everyday for the next one month. You'll be reimbursed of the fine you paid.
DISCLAIMER: Fare evasion is stealing and illegal. This article is for entertainment purposes only. Therefore the author will not be responsible for the any consequences from the use of this article. The author does not condone fare evasion. Buy a ticket. The right ticket.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Good one!
The Unknown had a pretty good weekend. Friday was a rush, had an elimination test at the wood workshop at 9 am, which as usual I was late and had to run to the faculty building. Not bad, my group came up third, which means we get to carry on with building our model. That’s out of the way at least. After that, had a design lecture; a pretty entertaining one. Caught a tram to the city next to get the stuff needed for the group model proposal from a friend. In the midst of jumping the tram, inspectors came in, bloody inspectors. Blood lucky I had a blank 2 hour ticket with me (more on tram jumping in the next post). Pretty much got back in time to uni to hand in the proposal. Proposal accepted. Just before getting back home, helped a mate find the pharmacy. Poor fella got really sick, caught the winter cold. Came night, went for the opening night of Hype. Pretty darn good club I must say. Definitely top Next Blue and Evo. Had quite a night, the Bass Agents were spinning Electronica down at the lower level while on the over-crowded floor above was good ol’ commercial R&B and Hip-hop. Saturday was short as I woke up in the late afternoon with a mild hangover from the partying. Did Chinese with a buddy for dinner and had coffee after at Tiamo. He asked me to come along for a reggae night down at Deep 11 later which I kindly rejected as my head killing me so, yea, called it a night after coffee. Sunday wasn’t too sunny, least not when I woke up, yet again at late afternoon. Did some groceries and cleaning up in the gloomy weather and made myself some chicken-mushroom congee, no idea why, just felt like having congee. Maybe it’s because of the weather. Having plunger espresso at a mate's place now. Not too bad for a weekend I must say. Not too bad at all. Hope you had a good one too.

This one is for you Powerpuff!

This one is for you Powerpuff!
Saturday, August 07, 2004
True enough...

Category IV - The
You have a small, highly edited social group, and
you like it that way.
What Type of Social Entity are You?
brought to you by
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Real PISSING off!
"I'm sorry but I don't think I'll go with it, it's going to take too much time. I'm just gonna do the essay instead of the model".
Fair enough. I'll accept that if it's pure that. So? Why in the hell am I pissed off? Well, I'm helluva pissed off because I know it's just not about that! It's more of "I've got no confidence in the people in the group. I don't think they are good enough and I'll probably have to do a little extra work instead of each and every group member getting the same amount of work. Oh yea, and in the end, they might screw it up, since they aren't good enough; least to me". BULLSHIT! Absolute bullshit. This bastard, eventhough have been a pretty good mate is slowly making his way into my bad books.
Fair enough. I'll accept that if it's pure that. So? Why in the hell am I pissed off? Well, I'm helluva pissed off because I know it's just not about that! It's more of "I've got no confidence in the people in the group. I don't think they are good enough and I'll probably have to do a little extra work instead of each and every group member getting the same amount of work. Oh yea, and in the end, they might screw it up, since they aren't good enough; least to me". BULLSHIT! Absolute bullshit. This bastard, eventhough have been a pretty good mate is slowly making his way into my bad books.
Sunday, August 01, 2004
Argh, there's a constant buzz in my head, almost like a bee's stuck in it. Thanks a lot to one too many drinks down at the club last night. Uni hasn't really started and the bloody weather is too cold for my liking. Been thinking quite a bit lately. I know it's probably a lil too far fetch but soon I will have to decide, either it's Aus or back to Malaysia. Many would say that it's useless nonsense to actually try to decide this early, but hey, I reckon every little step taken each day will influence the outcome of the next and moreover every step made will be influence by one's thought. I hate to be lost. Not again. I've drifted once, and things for me are never the same. There's already a clear divide between the present past and the past. It haunts me. I'm afraid; just not showing it. Life goes on right?