Thursday, August 26, 2004

What's the point?

What's the point? what's the point when everything will enventually come to an end? Those were the highlight of the conversation on the 27 of July. The conversation which marks the end. The very day before that I just got back to Australia. One day before I felt like I was at the top of the world, not knowing i'll feel like a thousand roses on top of the Everest. Dead cold, frozen dead. Right after a lovely Thai dinner with El, on the way out i received text. It was from her. It read, "(my name)..." and the next text which came read "whats the point of living when everthing comes to an end". I grew tired. I wanted to end it. I did and I still do, I just do not know how to. Why? ...what I don't forget, I regret.


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