Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lone Pine

I finally got to see some photos of the completed Lone Pine Hotel expansion in Penang. Partly was because it was remarkably true to the design which I penned a couple of years ago, the only difference being the colour and some other minor details, and I got my pitch roof instead of the flat roof which the client, my boss and the landscape architect preferred.

I teared because if you like, its my child in terms of design and more so because I'm only a surrogate. I left the firm pre-tender, and only the few people who were there at the moment in time know that it was my design. To the rest of the world, some bastards will take credit for it.

It also serves as reminder of the sacrifice I have to make in order to return to Australia.

All I do at work now is to take orders from an inexperience but thorough colleague, drafting unnecessary details for factories and the like which design I completely dispise.

And I still have yet to get paid my wage in full.


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