Wednesday, April 15, 2009

stormy waters ahead

I suppose this wouldn't be the first time my dad isn't too happy about the decisions I make or have made.

2005 - Resigning from Hijjas Kasturi Associates.
2007 - Dropping out from the Master of Architecture, back to Bachelor of Architecture.
2008 - Applying for an Australian PR.
2009 - Resigning from MKPL and return to Melbs for further studies.

Honestly it is disheartening for me to go against his wishes but at the same time, I've always did and I suppose I still will. I stand firm on my decisions as I have concrete reasons for making them. Though, I just wish he is a little more understanding as I do get upset for grieving him.

Then again, this is what happened on the 3 earlier occasions:

2005 - Got into GDP which turned out to be most beneficial for my education and my career. This is where all the high flying career bit started.

2007 - One massive argument over the phone and my final year in B. Arch turned out to be the most memorable of all, complete with a first class honours, second highest grade for design that year and a Bates Smart graduate nominee. Better yet, it preluded to me finding out what I was looking for.

2008 - Upon seeking my way home, I've been taught humility and truly learn to walk closer and to trust the Lord.

The outcome of my decission this year is still to be determined. All I can do at this point I suppose, is to give my very best.

And pray hard that God by his grace will take care of the rest.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

God is great!

"You would certainly be eligible to apply for the Post graduate diploma in Planning and design. This program allows you to focus in on a particular are of interest and develop deeper knowledge and skills.

There is a July intake for the Postgraduate Dip and The Master of Planning and Design. Entry requirements for the postgraduate Diploma in Planning and Design is a three year degree in one of the disciplines of the faculty. You meet this criteria given you have completes a 5 year sequence in Architecture. You would also meet the entry requirements for entry into the Master of Planning and Design.

You must provide a personal statement with your application that outlines why you want to undertake the program, your motivation, along with the completed and signed application form. We will be able to print of your student record so there is no need to provide transcripts."

- Soon now, soon. I'll be coming home.

Monday, April 06, 2009

the great escape

“Clause 4. The working hours of the Company are currently 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. from Mondays to Fridays. Lunch break is between 12.45 p.m. to 1.45 p.m.”

But, documented on my transport claims, I’ve been working past 10 pm for 4 out of 5 working days for the past 2 months and at times all the way until the early hours of the morning. Almost every other weekend I am told and expected to go back to work which is precisely what I did a fortnight ago and yesterday.

Today, on a Sunday, I was called up by the boss asking for my work, in which I replied I will be working from home, on a Sunday. I am told to have it done by the next day. A few hours later, I receive a text from him informing me that he wants a meeting on that certain project at 9 a.m. It is implied that my work should be done by then.

That was when my line in the sand.

I have sent an enquire to the Immigration Department of Australia to ask if there will be any implications to my Permanent Residency Application if I were to apply for a Student Visa, as I have decided to return to Melbourne for graduate studies.

I’m thoroughly done with working in Asia. By God’s will, my application for the program will be a breeze.