Thursday, April 09, 2009

God is great!

"You would certainly be eligible to apply for the Post graduate diploma in Planning and design. This program allows you to focus in on a particular are of interest and develop deeper knowledge and skills.

There is a July intake for the Postgraduate Dip and The Master of Planning and Design. Entry requirements for the postgraduate Diploma in Planning and Design is a three year degree in one of the disciplines of the faculty. You meet this criteria given you have completes a 5 year sequence in Architecture. You would also meet the entry requirements for entry into the Master of Planning and Design.

You must provide a personal statement with your application that outlines why you want to undertake the program, your motivation, along with the completed and signed application form. We will be able to print of your student record so there is no need to provide transcripts."

- Soon now, soon. I'll be coming home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like you're really going off...for the better. =)
Good for ya! Now when's my turn??

11:59 PM  
Blogger The Unknown said...

long way back home... when's your turn? really am curious here!

2:52 AM  

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