Sunday, October 03, 2004

I ought to be sleeping!

You know what they say, you can't get enough of a good thing, nevertheless, it is true for the opposite. Just got off the phone with the second ex. Regular reader should know that she is the one whom i bitch about in this blog. Guess I've since stop doing that. It's not ethical I suppose, well, least that's proven today. I did talked about her quite a bit with my last ex, the third. You know, relationships are meant to be open etc. Guess not, I mean, my dear advise to anyone reading this, keep your skeletons in your very own closet. Forget about sharing, you'll only end up sharing the blame when the other creates shit. The second ex called because, my last ex, happens to end up in the same university as her, doing the same bloody course and being the person she is (and the person I couldn't stand, parted with her pretty quickly), very superficial, she's been spreading news about the second ex. I couldn't help myself laughing at this. It's like one of them movies, two women coming head to head. Anyways, yea, she's pissed that I had to re-emerge in her otherwise perfectly fine life now. "Happily attached and evolved", in her very own words (guess you aren't that happy now are you?). I am also laughing my head off because, quite some time ago she said to me "I have forgoten you". Forget me after all I've done for you? You wish! I didn't even plan this. I was pratically being a dickhead when I told the last ex about her. Funny how things will turn out. Call it sweet revenge or whatever, I'm calling it life. Maybe there is still a little bit of that "mess with me and I'll fuck you up" substance of my old self in me, only that I never did mean to use it. Least not on her, enough is enough. At the end of the day, I suppose the moral of the story is, "what goes around comes around". How true, and of course, "don't fuck around with me". Kidding.


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