Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Sniffles, yawn. I hate the cold. Makes my head feels heavy, makes me feel lazy, and makes coffee taste like crap. Makes me feel like not crapping at all, and I don’t mean crapping as in my pants kind, although yea, a cold probably makes me feel like that at times. In another week I’ll be ranting about a different kind of cold. Never did like winter, yet I despise the tropical humidity. Argh! I hate the long flight back, you see, it’s 8 hours not 14 where if it is 14, one is bound to sleep. On an 8 hours flight, I don’t sleep, least not until the all too familiar ‘ding’ comes on, and the announcement that “…we are landing soon, all passengers please return your seats to the upright position and what not”. Now, how the heck am I going to sleep with all this distractions? I hate the flight. I hate winter. Oh yea, and I hate pesky middle aged bastards (no offences) with bad overnight stinking airplane food breathe leaning forward asking me silly bloody questions on a freaking full flight.

(posted sick and sober, lacks my usual articulation)


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