Sunday, May 08, 2005


Here I am at the midst of yet another change. Got myself in a new firm and soon moving to a new place to live. It so almost feel like the past four months was a decade back, too much happened, too much reflected and yet more to come. The new job; probably a good thing since there is less work, the firm way more organised than the previous and I am forced to learn a new software, one of them next generation graphical-CAD hybrids. The bad; I get bored, I am slow at work since I’m not familiar with the program and I am working on a Macintosh. Yes, and like the Macintosh, the work environment is utterly different, my colleagues are almost “kiddies” compared to those in the previous firm, maybe because it’s a holiday everyday in this firm (hopefully) compared to the last. I do miss proper crowd; not bloody hot shots fresh grads who thinks they’ve seen it all because they have a degree and blatantly bored you to death with their talk? Having an imported set of rainwater gutter is boring, having an exposed universal beam as a lintel is boring, a void for the toilet is boring and fucking Balinese style architecture is just passé. Bloody freak’s got neither brains nor balls. Unlike the other firm, I am not as close with the directors and I certainly do not have lunch and ciggy breaks with the associate. I certainly do not have that much power in my hands compared to the last. All in all that's said, it could be both good or bad. I rather look on the positive note of things for now. I’m moving back to more proper area of Kuala Lumpur and hopefully things will be a little less turbulent for the time to come.


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12:12 PM  

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